11th Cheshire Block Party Set for Saturday, July 23

By Brian Rhodes
July 20, 2022

CHESHIRE, Mass. — The Cheshire Community Association is hosting its 11th Cheshire Block Party from 5  to 8 p.m. on Saturday, July 23, at Town Hall Center. 
"With the great music and food we've assembled this year, I imagine we'll equal or surpass last year's turnout," said John Tremblay, president of the association. 
The party is free and open to the public and will play host to a raffle, live music, food and refreshments. Guests are encouraged to bring lawn chairs and have dinner and dessert, which will be provided by Ozzie's Food Truck and Diane's Twist Ice Cream. 
"We've had really nice crowds for all of our block parties," Tremblay said. "The 2021 event was likely our largest with around 300 attendees."
This year's party was moved to be over the weekend instead of on Friday, as was the normal date in past block parties. 
"We've moved from Friday evening to Saturday and expanded the window an hour, beginning at 5 p.m. and going until 8 p.m., to allow more time to relax and enjoy," he said. "We're urging folks to come for dinner since we'll have Ozzie's Food Truck which is one of the most popular in Berkshire County, and as always, there will be ice cream for dessert." 

The live music will be played by Berkshire-based band the Misty Blues. The group will start at 5 p.m. along with the party. 
"They performed at our 2019 block party and were a huge hit," Tremblay said. "Their eclectic offering of blues, folk, rock and funk provides something for everyone." 
Tremblay thanked the community and the numerous businesses involved with the party. He said the event would not be the same without their help. 
"We've witnessed a strong desire for connection and can see that fulfilled by the many smiles on faces. This is only accomplished by a village," he said. "All the planning, preparation and work is done by volunteers. Local businesses support us financially and through amazing donations for our raffle; and the presence of community organizations from the Fire Department to the Lions Club to the Youth Center makes everything complete." 
In the event of rain, the event will move to the former Cheshire Elementary School. For more information, visit the Cheshire Community Association's Facebook Page